
Gifted Program

Cape Elementary has an innovative Gifted Program established to meet the unique needs of our gifted learners. Full-time gifted classes are offered in second through fifth grades with resource gifted services available in kindergarten through fifth grade.
Gifted students are taught grade level Florida Standards while delving deeper into the content. Various units of study culminate with program performances and field trips. Many of our gifted learners choose to participate in extracurricular activities such as the Edison Invention Fair and Odyssey of the Mind, in addition to various enrichment clubs.
Students are nominated for the gifted program through their regular education classroom teacher. After documentation has been reviewed by our Gifted Assessment Team, students are referred for psychological testing to determine qualification for the Gifted Program. Students who are already eligible for gifted status through other Lee County Public Schools may be enrolled in our Gifted Program without further evaluation.


Cape Elementary is a PBIS school. PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Interventions & Support. The goal of PBIS is to stop undesirable student behavior by teaching new behaviors, changing the environment, and rewarding appropriate behaviors. It is a preventative and positive approach to assist students in working towards appropriate self-management. Students are recognized daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly for their hard work and meeting individualized goals.

Our School-Wide (SOAR) PBIS expectations are:

A Cape student always…

Stays Focused and Sets Goals

Observes Safety Rules

Aspires to be an Outstanding Citizen and Team Player

Remembers to be Responsible and Respectful PBIS Manual


 What is PBIS ? - A Guide for Parents


CLUBS: After School

 Cape Elementary is excited to offer After School Enrichment Clubs which offer a wide variety of enrichment and recreational classes for students. Clubs support enrichment, learning, and leadership for all students.  Our clubs are organized by staff who volunteer their time and are based on student interest and teacher preference. Enrichment clubs are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. We offer 2 sessions of clubs each school year which are each 6 weeks long.


At Cape Elementary we integrate Technology into all aspects of the classroom.

  • Each Kindergarten through 2nd Grade classroom is equipped with 8 classroom Chromebooks for student use, as well as Shared Mobile Labs of Chromebooks for each grade level.

  • Each 3rd through 5th Grade classroom is equipped with their own Chromebook Lab Cart with chromebooks for each student in the classroom.

  • Technology is built into the schedule for students to attend weekly during their special area rotation. The technology lab is equipped with 30 Chromebooks for student use during their scheduled time.

  • Each Classroom in Cape Elementary is equipped with a LCD Overhead Projector, Interactive SMART Board, Wireless Microphone, Overhead Speakers, Document Camera and Podium Computer to provide interactive lessons.

  • Student take Renaissance Place Product Tests (AR, STAR) on Chromebooks, are introduced and use Google Classroom, Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and have a Google Drive to store data on. Students also utilize iReady for lesson and growth monitoring.

  • Students are taught proper use of technology and computer skills to help better prepare them for middle and high school.      


Visual Art

Artsonia is the place to see with all of the wonderful projects that our students share world-wide! Feel free to visit our visual arts gallery often, as work is added daily, and leave comments to our students or teacher. You can join a student’s fan club and check out the store section to have these artworks published onto great items like jewelry, t-shirts, phone cases, etc. A percentage of the money generated from Artsonia purchases comes right back to our classroom to help with more supplies for our students.

Fine Arts Night takes place yearly in March. This is an opportunity for not only students, but their families to enjoy interacting with different art mediums, listen to our school choir and ensemble perform and enjoy some food too. Come stop by and see what new things you can learn!


We are offering all students many exciting opportunities to participate in music!  All students at Cape Elementary participate in one 45-minute music class every six school days. Students learn to read music, sing, and play instruments. After school, we are offering our Cape 4th and 5th grade choir on Tuesdays. Music at Cape is centered around helping students find their voice and helping their confidence to SOAR!